Tips To Deal With Faulty Food
1.Every found a foreign object like a strand of hair or a jute thread in your food…. Approached the owner & they did not seem concerned at all… Well don’t worry… Just follow these simple steps and they will be taken care of in the right legal way…
1. 2. Call the food inspector or the health department official of your local civic body for an on-the-spot check.
2. 3. You can file a written complaint, along with supporting documents and photographs, with either the local health department or the food adulteration cell of the state government.
3. 4. Alternatively, you can take a sample to a food lab for testing or file a case in the consumer court on the basis of the lab reports.
5. If the food item is perishable or if adulteration cannot be proved once the packet is opened, take photographs with a digital camera or a high resolution mobile phone camera. These can serve as proof of adulteration.